The Crystal Tower is a sight you can’t miss when you are in the Amsterdam neighbourhood of Sloterdijk: just look up and there it is. This 27-storey office building has been home to the ChipSoft head office since September 2015, and it’s the place where we celebrate Christmas every year by setting up the tallest Christmas trees in Amsterdam.
The neighbourhood of Sloterdijk in the western part of Amsterdam is rapidly changing from a business park into a lively neighbourhood where people live, work and relax. Just 700 people are currently living here, but 2021 will see families settle into 1500 new homes in the neighbourhood. While Sloterdijk hasn’t been the same since the COVID-19 pandemic started, the neighbourhood still does have its unique Christmas eyecatcher.
In order to get Sloterdijk into the Christmas spirit, the Crystal Tower turns into a Christmas tree made of lights. Or more accurately: three Christmas trees, as a Christmas tree can be seen on all three sides of the tower. Hans Mulder, CEO of Chipsoft, explains: ‘Turning the Crystal Tower into Amsterdam’s tallest Christmas tree allows us to shine a positive light on Sloterdijk in these dark days at the end of the year. We cover specific windows to create Christmas tree patterns that people can see from the trains and roads around us. This is one of our contributions to the atmosphere in the neighbourhood.’

Photo: Rogier Boogaard for UPtown Sloterdijk