After a fruitful collaboration with the Albert Schweitzer hospital and the Erasmus MC, we recently made a COVID dashboard available for all HiX clients with and without Datawarehouse. Matthijs Verschoor, Datawarehouse Teamleader, explains more about the power of this dashboard and Datawarehouse during and after the corona crisis.
Can you briefly outline which health care institutions have the new dashboard available and what they see on it?
The Datawarehouse COVID 19 dashboard is available both in the Netherlands and Belgium and gives individual hospitals control information about all relevant situations applicable to coronavirus patients in their institution. In addition to the core numbers, the dashboard contains insights into patients with isolation indications, infections, suspicions and possible extra isolation indications. So you can click right through to HiX and there are export options to Excel, for example. Using an SSIS solution, data elements are unlocked, which can be queried using the included SSRS and PowerBI reports. And the institutions can choose to connect their own reporting tools to the data.
How did you create this dashboard so quickly?
The first version came about through a close collaboration with Erasmus MC and the Albert Schweitzer hospital, who already had experience in setting up their own COVID-19 dashboard. Then many of our Datawarehouse team were deployed for the development and continued development of the Datawarehouse COVID-19 dashboard. Now version 1.4 is available.
What makes the Datawarehouse COVID-19 dashboard different from other dashboards?
The power of Datawarehouse lies in creating information from data that can be directly applied in the work process. Insight and information on the situation in the institution, such as the IC bed occupancy and number of infections, is naturally very valuable. For hospitals there are many other dashboards available that give a bird's eye view of the national situation. But insight into the situation in one's own hospital could be better. Our dashboard offers all HiX clients the option of zooming into the details of their own situation, whether or not they work with our Datawarehouse. In addition, in this dashboard, just as in all standard content in our Datawarehouse, you can click directly to HiX to be able to work more efficiently and actually become a part of the work process. The dashboard actually offers hospitals a clear reflection with zoom options and tools to directly control and adjust certain aspects.
How do you ensure the quality of the data?
Our Datawarehouse shows only the data as registered in HiX in the dashboards and reports. This ensures that the data are always consistent with what is entered into HiX and that no other "truths" are created. This applies to the COVID-19 dashboard and all other dashboards we develop. The strict quality control, as applied to HiX, is also performed for our Datawarehouse reports, which are validated by ChipSoft's experts in the registration area in HiX.
In this crisis, it is important that critical information is visible in the right place at the right time. How easy and quickly can practitioners get to the dashboard?
Really quickly. All of our dashboards can be accessed right from HiX. This also applies to the COVID-19 dashboard. Health care professionals do need the correct rights; health care institutions create the authorisations themselves. Because the HiX Datawarehouse is part of HiX, practitioners can also easily open the dashboard during the work process. That way they have access to data and insights that they really need at that moment. We continually monitor the way in which we can help our customers as much as possible. Depending on what the situation with COVID-19 requires, control information will be added to the dashboard that is the most relevant at that time.
What must hospitals do to be able to quickly benefit from the Datawarehouse COVID-19 dashboard?
As I mentioned earlier, the COVID-19 dashboard is directly available to all hospitals using HiX, including hospitals that do not have an HiX Datawarehouse. They can independently use the dashboard via our support site with clear instructions. Of course, there is a project team available to answer any questions via the normal support channel. Because we as a company want to carry our weight in this difficult time, we chose to make the dashboard as widely available as possible in this way.